Transformasi Uzlah dalam Kehidupan Modern
Uzlah represent an observance form which have been practiced by prophets and salafiyah since thousands of last year. He represent process causeway of self which serve many very useful positive things or advantage for life, either through person or go into society. First form a moslem go to detach 'self of wide society to the back of beyond like cave, top of the mountain, etc, for the shake of x'self concentration in have religious. While both form a moslem constantly within society midst, but with an consequence he try as maximum take care of its liver in order not to affect by all negative effects which expand in the centre of society. ‘Uzlah in global era and this tecnologi can be realized to minimize to the two consideration. First on the basis of social call and the basis of believe individually.
Uzlah with first model that is detaching self totally society seems admit to be realized with various time and modification able to be considered. While with second model that is remain to execute all social activity ever look after distortion liver in order not to by negative things also represent matter which are positive, because thereby mean in the middle of him give or obtain cash for social responsibility he can still take care of stability of self.
Thereby can be taken conclusion whereas that uzlah as application which have by allprophets and salafiyah still relevant for this modern epoch. Social and believe individually represent all important indicator its form of this august deed. Experience thousands of last year have proved that he of vital importance and useful as media admission filling of human being self before plunging at loaded society with various problems.
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